Another Garrity and I, after returning home from Kenya

Thursday, September 9, 2010

didn't Jesus say, 'love your enemies'?

After hearing about "Pastor" Terry Jones this week, I knew that I needed to write down my thoughts. Especially when I realized that I had exceeded the maximum characters in my status box on face-book. So here is my response.

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 'that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 'For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?'..." Mat. 5:43-47

As I was reflecting on this verse, I thought "Who in this scenario is the so-called enemy?" From Jones' perspective those of the Islamic faith and more so radicals of Islam are of his focal point. And for many tonight, Jones plans are the very thing that falls within our own lines of enemy territory. What are we to do? How are we to respond?

Jesus gives us a clear answer; to love our enemies. I know it is easier said than done. But here with this very obstacle we are given the chance to respond not out of hatred or anger, but of compassion and willingness. Hate is a deadly cycle and Jesus has been more than aware of such hurt and evil amongst our world for so long.

Terry Jones seems to be under the belief that he is stepping out with a boldness claiming such a radical demonstration is one necessary to be of an "insult". While nearby Christians of the Gainesville, FL community have begun to do their best to counteract such illustrations with readings from the Qur'an. Jones responded to ABC News about this position of this group of Christians, "... it tells me we've lost, that we've lost the battle. Christianity has lost their guts, they're not willing to stand up. Jesus himself said I am the only way..." (ABC NEWS)

Personally, I inevitably recognize that the Church has failed at many things. However, such a response like Jones is one that does anything but further the Kingdom of God.

All the turmoil and devastation that has taken place on earth and continues should be the very thing to motivate all believers of Christ to proclaim who He is and the love He has for all of His children. The silly thing is, we believers do know the end of the story. Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the very Son of God. We will come out of the wilderness, leaning on Our Beloved. How amazing is that? Please be encouraged by the truth in that.

With all this said, burning the Qur'an in spite of Islam on the anniversary of 9/11 (any day for the matter) is the farthest thing from loving. I sincerely pray that God will intervene and soften the heart of Terry Jones and all supporters, Jesus uproot this situation entirely. Make Your way amidst all our weak and human chaos. Show us how to love all our brothers and sisters, all.

"And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma." Ephesians 5:2

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are You Ready?

Yes, this question is directed to you. Are you ready? Have you ever asked yourself, "What exactly comes after death?" Did you find an answer?

How about THE answer? Garrity has wondered a lot lately -- how blessed I have been to have found such concrete truth in a single word.


A man that needs absolutely no glitz or dazzle added to His name. He, God in the flesh as man, THE one who has taken our place -- so that we may share an everlasting eternity with HIM.

Rather we deserve to be placed in grimy and muddy soil for a destination that is not welcoming, not enjoyable, and is not of pure joy. But of all the opposite. Incredibly, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Son of God -- our place has been mercifully bought!

Compassion has been thrown upon us, so that we may know and glorify our Father in Heaven. Our proof lies in Jesus -- let Him heal and restore you in a way that will leave you in awe of God's mystery. Give your heart to Jesus.

I share this with you tonight for a reason, because God our Majestic Father, has started a revival amongst the nations. A revival that will bring healing, restoration, contentment and glory through God's Holy Spirit. He is about to take MANY out of their sleep and awake them to His overwhelming and intoxicating, majesty!

"O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down.; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in -- behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Psalm 139: 1-10

Perhaps your wonders have come across Jesus before, but here in this moment as you read this: Know God loves you beyond the imaginable. HE loves you! May you be blessed with these words -- and renewed in spirit and heart. For God is near and longs for you to draw nearer to Him. So are you ready? He is ready to move everywhere and rock all that we've ever known!

Let me know what you're wondering and I'll be praying.

Peace and Blessings, Garrity

What does 'living' mean to you?

She was neat... you can absorb her presence in this photo (AIM team)