Another Garrity and I, after returning home from Kenya

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First thought...

What is my first thought? Let's see... I don't need to go to the bathroom, but I probably didn't meet the called amount of water to drink today. Most likely the reason why I don't need to go to the bathroom! Alright, no this blog won't always be about bodily fluids or dehydration. What it will be about is... controversial topics, questions that no one ever wants to ask, answers that aren't always easy to hear, and about learning from each other and ourselves. I ask that you engage with me in this blog and see what you too may be wondering...

This mind a.k.a brain finds itself bestowed in our head for a reason. Don't let it take advantage of you when you are just about to fall asleep and then the hamster wheel just keeps turning. But let it be active and occupied with thoughts that don't consist of snuggies (hybrid of blanket and robe)

Oh... and yes, not everything will be dreary drab topics, but silly ones too... need I mention the balloon boy? (really....) The family had a Wife swap appearance? Need I say more?

So here goes the "Garrity Wonders..." Feel free to join me and address your own "wonders"!

G'night and soon I'll be wondering up something new.


  1. Hi M.

    You have a neat site here. I feel honored to be the first one posting on your blog. You and B look terrific in the picture.

    Well, I love you and pray the Lord continues to bless you and keep you safe. I look forward to following your topics of discussion.

    Your cousin Brian
    (From Iraq)

  2. Big Brian!
    This made me SO happy to hear from you! Really! A complete surprise! Wow. Can you tell I wasn't expecting this?

    I love you too and I've been praying for you and the family. It is nice to have Heather's updates on Facebook (I believe the last I saw was about fake eyelashes?) Haha. Know God has His hand on you, always!

    With Much Love,
    Your cousin Megan
    (From Maine) :)


What does 'living' mean to you?

She was neat... you can absorb her presence in this photo (AIM team)